Modern Slavery

Many of us didn't know what modern slavery was when we were experiencing it. Here is what we wish we had known about definitions, legislation, and misconceptions. On this website you can find information and resources that other survivors found useful. We are independent and survivor led. Our goal is to create a space to share what we have learnt in recovering from situations of Modern Slavery.

What is Exploitation?

Modern slavery is a violation of human rights and is considered a serious crime under international and Australian law. But what is it?


Modern slavery is a violation of human rights and is considered a serious crime. Here is a list of commonly used terms across this website and in the anti-slavery space.

Common Misconceptions

There are many common misconceptions about trafficking and exploitation. Let's debunk some of them.

Legislation in Australia

Most Trafficking and Modern Slavery offenses in Australia fall under Federal Legislation and are reported to the Australian Federal Police. The exception to this is the state legislation concerning sexual servitude offenses in NSW